Winter Pest Control tips
Forget what you heard – winter doesn’t mean a free pass for pests! While some bugs take a seasonal snooze, others become even more determined to seek warmth and shelter within your cozy walls. Our team of talented pest control specialists have compiled a list of tips to help you keep your home pest free this winter.
- Make sure that all openings that can be sealed up are closed along with any cracks and crevices. These could easily be pointed out by one of our technicians during one of our routine services.
- If you burn wood, try not to leave it stacked up against the house or stacked up on the inside of the house.
- With a lot of packages coming in the home be sure to check each box to make sure nothing pest related is on the inside. If possible, try to open the box on the front porch or garage.
The best way to keep your home pest free this winter and all year around is through a regular service schedule with a pest control profession. At J&N Pest Control we offer a service schedule with a pest control profession. At J&N Pest Control we offer a several quarterly pest control packages to help you keep your home pest free year around.
If you are interested in signing up for a quarterly pest control plan with us please fill out the form below and one of our staff will contact you to schedule your first appointment.